Although it can not be proven statistically, the suspicion is obvious: At Graphite Materials, employees are currently using the water bottle more often than usual. For a good reason: In the company, the lid-collecting fever broke out! To dozens land the small plastic closures of empty bottles in large collection bags and wait for their pickup by the Nuremberg club “Deckel drauf”. He has done nothing less than the worldwide eradication of polio, also known as polio. Logically, that Graphite Materials gladly supports and eagerly collects.
The idea behind “Deckel drauf” is as ingenious as it is simple: The lids of beverage bottles are usually made of the HDPE and PP plastics, which are particularly easy to recycle. The prices paid by waste management for these materials are correspondingly high. Graphite Materials therefore collects the plastic closures and lets them pick them up from “lids on top”. Then they are stored and sold to recyclers. The proceeds donated the association to the initiative “End Polio Now”, which thus funds vaccinations against the insidious infectious disease. In fact, 500 covers are enough to enable a person to live without polio. A great incentive to refresh yourself regularly with a glass of water!
You are also welcome to support Deckel e.V. by donating money. Please use the following bank details:
Donation recipient: cover on it e.V.
IBAN: DE54 76020070 0024116298
Swift (BIC): HYVEDEMM460 (UniCredit Bank AG)